
Hugo fake chijuajua
neck_size 13
Chest Size20
Primary Breed Chihuahua mix
Secondary Breed *Thoughbred Mutt
Instagram Pagehugo_thefakechihuahua/
sex M
Assistants Name Ginny
Fur Color Gold
Birth Day 2017-04-29
Comments He has a white chest and his 2 front paws are also white. Hugo is 18in long-measuring from the bottom of his neck to bottom. He loves chew toys, plush toys, toys with squeakers. However, toys with long hair are not suitable for him as he tends to pull out the hair and eat it haha. We live in Vancouver, aka Raincouver so raincoats are a must! I'm not really sure what colors are most suitable on him, so i'll leave that up tp you guys. Hugo is a puller, so we prefer harnesses, but we still use collars for for his ID tags and quick walks.
Affiliated Code95-celebritycode